Segmentation & Targeting Engine

Segment and Target Your Users

There is no need for complicated integrations with other systems. Segment your audience by behavior, identity, or any other metric using ONEcount’s built-in tool.

You can then target each user with a pop-up, landing page, targeted e-mail, or even a banner campaign on your site or on social media sites. There is no need to transfer data from platform to platform with ONEcount.

Our system is code-free and designed to provide a complete marketing tool kit in a single, easy-to-use platform.

Design offers for each user based on their past activities and who they are. This will result in maximum results with every campaign.

Code-Free On-Boarding

Our powerful data transformation tools that will exchange data with most other systems without you or your team writing a single line of code.

While other platforms require software engineers to “conect-the-dots,” ONEcount’s “no-code” platform gives your team the tools they need without having to have a programmer or engineer on hand.

You can easily import data from all your other systems, including your e-mail platform, your corporate data lake, your third-party vendors, etc.

Enhanced GEO Targeting

You can target users with different offers based on where they are coming to your web site from, or where they live.

This capability is ideal for event managers who want to target web visitors coming from a geographic area surrounding their event. Or for companies with regional dealerships, that need to distinguish between where a visitor currently is and where they live.

Any time location is critical to your customer messaging, ONEcount is the only tool that can deliver the right message to the right person every time.