
Know Who Is On Your Site

ONEcount’s identity-matching tools provide detailed data on what every user is doing on your web site.

Our sophisticated analytics tools combine web, e-mail and offline data like purchases, SMS, POS, etc., to provide detailed analytics on every customer journey. Build segments based on the behavior of your best customers. You can then target those segments with personalized offers across every customer touchpoint.

No platform integrates data consolidation with a sophisticated analytics toolsuite like ONEcount.

ID Graph

ONEcount combines identity data from all of your different sources to create a single, deterministic identity for each web visitor.

This provides detailed, cross-silo analytics for every customer. You’ll have deeper insight into your customer journey. You’ll also be able to target and re-target customers based on data from all of your systems.

Self-Service Dashboards

ONEcount’s sophisticated dashboards allow you, your partners, advertisers and employees to securely view different segments of data.

Leverage configurable, self-service dashboards to prove campaign success.

ONEcount lets you build password-protected dashboards. These can be used by customers, advertisers, members of your internal team. You decide what resources each dashboard has access to. ONEcount makes sure that each person only sees what you want them to.

Social Analytics

Social platforms promised transparency but have not delivered.

ONEcount provides a better way to monitor your in-bound social traffic, so you can identify users and see what content they are engaging with. The platform also includes tools to segment users and target them with ads on social platforms. This connects your customers with your brand on every screen.

While social platforms tell you how many users engaged with your content, ONEcount can tell you who engaged and why.

Banner Campaign Analytics

ONEcount connects with Google Ad Manager (formerly DFP) to provide detailed analytics for your banner campaigns.

Because ONEcount is an identity-based system, it can tell you who saw and clicked on your banners. This gives greater detail on the effectiveness of your campaigns and proves the value of your brand to your advertisers.

Publishers lose millions of ad dollars to social networks because advertisers don’t understand the value. ONEcount gives you the tools to prove that value so you can show your advertiser who saw and clicked on their banners.

E-mail Analytics

ONEcount integrates with your E-mail Service Provider (ESP) so that you can see your customer’s e-mail activity in our detailed identity graph (ID Graph).

You do not need to develop costly APIs or copy data back and forth between systems. ONEcount does it for you automatically.

This means you can target pop-ups and banners at users who didn’t open or click on an e-mail. This gives you another chance to convert your customers when they come to your site, even if e-mail isn’t working.

At the same time, you can target users who did open or click on an e-mail with a follow-up offer through any of ONEcount’s marketing tactics, all from within the platform.