A simple-to-manage ecosystem that streamlines your audience tech stack. Our integrated, code-free solutions are powerful yet easy to use.

Customer Data Platform

Consolidate your first-party data so you can better understand your audience and prove your brand’s value to your advertisers. Deliver precise targeting both on- and off-site, based on the needs of every advertiser and sponsor.

ONEcount combines marketing tools with a robust data warehouse to deliver a Customer Data Platform unlike any other. Our “no code” solutions allow any organization big or small to execute campaigns and meet their marketing goals without having to involve programmers or engineers. Like the vendors you have? No worries! If we don’t already integrate with them, we can usually set up a fully automated integration in minutes using our innovative DExTR mapping technology.

Identity Resolution

Create a unique identity graph for every member of your audeince by combining data from all of your touch points into a single, unique profile. This provides better insight and more precise targeting for all of your marketing efforts across web, e-mail, banners, and other forms of engagement.

ONEcount BI

We give you the tools to build your own visualizations that meet the needs of your stakeholders. Set up KPI dashboards for management, members of your editorial or sales teams, even your advertisers and sponsors so everyone gets exactly the data they need.


Precisely target every visitor based on both on- and off-line behavior; combine data from all of your separate systems into one marketing platform. ONEcount can deliver a range of built-in tactics, including e-mails, pop-ups and banners from within the platform, all without having to move data between systems or deploy expensive APIs.

Single Sign-on & Social Log-in

ONEcount can use social log-ins to tie behavior to specific customer records in your database. We also support SAML authentication (both SP and IDP) so that you can tie ONEcount into your third-party systems. As a result, customers can use the authentication method they choose, while still providing you access into who they are and what they are doing on your web sites.

Gating & Smart Paywalls

Easy-to-use gating and paywall tools allow you to create smart business rules on the fly without programming business rules into your web site infrastructure. As a result, your team will be free from the complexity of web-based permissions and complicated third-party integrations and can focus on the business of subscription and renewal revenue.

Form, Landing & Pop-up Builder

ONEcount is the only Customer Data Platform that includes an intuitive form builder. You can build pop-ups, gating forms, landing page offers, all with a simple tool that is easy for non-technical marketers to use. Manage every asset and offer using the intuitive built-in drag and drop form and landing page builder.

ONEmail or Bring Your Own ESP

ONEcount offers an integrated E-mail Sending Framework for sending e-newsletters and promotional campaigns. Or you can connect your existing e-mail provider to the platform. We currently support Eloqua, Marketo, RealMagnet, Informz, PostUp, SailThru, Hubspot, ExactTarget, Campaign Monitor and others.