Email automation that makes it easy to reach your target audience with the right message, at the right time.

Engage and grow your audience at scale with ONEmail and our customer data platform built for media & publishing.

A Wealth of Metrics

ONEmail is tightly integrated into the ONEcount Customer Data Platform so that there is no need to manually transfer data from application to application. You can build segments in ONEcount that are immediately actionable in ONEmail. All of your email engagement data is available in ONEcount’s BI tools for instant visibility into your campaign activities.

ESP Integrations

Have a ESP partner already? No problem.

We’ve partnered with top E-mail Service Providers and marketing automation vendors to consume their data into our advanced tracking and analytics tools for real-time data visualization. See our partner and integrations.

All Your Favorite E-mail Features In A CDP

Integrated WYSIWYG Editor
Easily design a custom look and feel for e-blasts and newsletters. Add images, text and links to any campaign, format fonts and layouts in minutes with our intuitive web-based editor. Best of all, your designs are translated into e-newsletter-safe HTML to ensure the widest possible inbox delivery and as few bounces as possible.

ONEmail Campaign

Automated HTML Scrape
Fetch newsletter content dynamically from your CMS or any URL and convert it into a personalized e-mail campaign. ONEmails unique HTML scraping capabilities mean you can build newsletter templates in your CMS containing the latest news and information, and then automatically fetch that CMS template for delivery as a ONEmail newsletter.

This is ideal for newspapers, magazines and any other media company that delivers regularly-scheduled content to its readers on a dynamic basis.

Now you can truly give you readers up-to-the-minute news with templates and content that is sent as soon as it is published!

Ultra-High Volume Sending
When word needs to get out, it needs to get out fast. Media companies with large distribution lists count on ONEmail’s scale to distribute hundreds of thousands of trackable e-mail messages in minutes.

Deployment & Deliverability

Testing & Scheduling
Distribute test deployments to selected teams for QA. Schedule e-mail to deploy when you want. A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a way of working out which of two campaign options is the most effective.

Banner Campaigns & Reporting
With ONEmail + ADS, placing banner campaigns is as simple as placing a snippet of non JS code in the appropriate place.

With this integrated bundle, all banner campaign-level reporting display on an aggregated dashboard and can include banners served thru Google Ad Manager (GAM/DFP).

Banner Campaign-level reporting

Multiple dedicated, clean IP addresses. Private, secure, redundant data centers. SPF/DKIM identification to ensure inbox reach.

High-speed banner delivery: Specifically designed for deploying banners into e-newsletter and promotional campaigns.

Advances Features

Audience Segmentation
Segment your lists using ONEcount’s powerful segmentation tools. You can target users not just with e-mails, but also with website pop-ups, banner ads, and more. ONEmail uses ONEcount’s powerful Customer Data Platform to put every tactic at your fingertips, allowing you to act of every customer engagement across all of your touchpoints.

Relevant Targeting
Hyper-segment your e-mail lists based on the specific interests of your readers. ONEmail + ONEcount gives you incredible insight into your audience behavior both on-site and in e-mai. Deploy e-mails to your audience segments based on what they are reading on your web site and how frequently they interact with your brand.

Marketing Automation
ONEmail can trigger campaigns to recirculate to users who have not previously opened or clicked on an e-mail, or you can deploy pop-up and banner campaigns on-site for users who are not responding to e-mail offers.