Events Case Study

Client Challenge

This regional event producer lacked a holistic customer view due the data residing in separate silos. They used WordPress, Marketo and Woo Commerce for registrations which made it difficult to target non-attendees and attendees with on-site offers and upsells.

Each of their shows had separate sites and most of their web traffic were unknowns until a user went thru a full registration process. Understanding their audience behaviors, attendee and purchase history was difficult.

Solutions & Tactics Applied

CDP- Data Unification: All data across their various systems were unified within ONEcount. Any registrations captured in WooCommerce were immediate knowns so the event marketing team could set up segments coupled with various tactics based on first-time visitors, sponsors or previously attended.

Identity Resolution & ID Graphs: ONEcount’s deterministic methods of marrying first-party data and a user’s interaction across web, mobile, server, and third-party partner touchpoints created an ID graph which became the catalyst for all identifications. Converting unknown visitors to identified users paved the way for personalizing the users experience.

Form & Pop-up Builder: Using our Drag-and-Drop Forms, the team instantly deployed campaigns to get e-mail opt-ins on speaker alerts, topic interests and sponsorship pop-ups to collect leads for future event locations.

End Result

The client’s multi-channel approach increased event attendance to each of their regional shows while adding new names for future event promotions. Aggregated analytics across each user interaction proved that their targeted on-site pop-up campaigns converted at a higher rate and outperformed e-mail campaigns deployed thru their ESP.

The lead gen efforts produced over 100 new sales leads for sponsorships and exhibitor opportunities within a 3-month period.