Media Media & Journal Case Stuidy

Client Challenge

This International journal publisher lacked identity management and federated IDs across various systems. Their engagement was isolated to Eloqua for e-mail. Targeting custom messages to healthcare professionals (HCPs) was difficult. Other divisions had separate user authentication and were not tied together. This created user complications for signing in and registration duplicates.

Solutions & Tactics Applied

Data Repository: ONEcount consolidated all their data across systems including their proprietary CMS.

DExTr/SAML: Synced cookies and profiles across entire network—creating an universal ID. SAML was initiated to provide authentication and authorization services to different business units.

List Matching: Executed list matches against ONEcount’s data repository

Behavioral Insights: Track behavioral engagement, content and banner consumption across all sites, newsletters, job board to inform which sub-disease state segments and targets were performing the best.

Precision Targeting: ONEcount’s integration with GAM/DFP allowed them to target HCPs no matter where they went across all their sites.

End Result

ONEcount created a global, federated ID which they used for authentication across all their properties. Converting unknown visitors to identified HCPs was over 60%.